Utilisation d'un script javascript pour remplacer les frames

WRInaute occasionnel
Je desire utiliser un code javascript en l associant avec des css mais je n'y connais pas grand chose. Il y a une explication pour l'utilisation du script sur la page suivante : http://www.jools.net/projects/javascript/splitpanes/
Je pense que pour un habitue c'est une histoire de 5 minutes a tout casse mais kan on y comprend pas grand chose ce n'est pas pareil.
Je serait vraiment reonnaissant si quelqu'un pouvait m aider m'en sortir
Bien a vous
WRInaute occasionnel
apparemment le site en question a quelques problemes pour se charger correctement, voici donc les codes qi sont senser servir a cela :
1- le javascript :
Class: SplitPane
    Separates two divs with a draggable divider that you can use to resize the divs, kind of like
    a frame but without using frames! The two divs should be siblings, that is they should both
    have the same parent. You can have an arbitrary number of such siblings separated using different
    instances of this class, i.e. you can have any number of columns separated by a draggable divider
    that alows you to resize them at will.
    You can ask to be notified when the following events occur
    - A drag starts.
    - A drag occurs.
    - A drag ends.
    This allows you to perform any housekeepng not already performed for you.
    You can disable the resizing.
    You can ask an instance to serialize itself as an HTTP POST argument list, this is useful in
    combination with onEnd hooking to save the current div sizes on the server.
    In IE all parent divs must have a height other than 'auto'.
    div1 and div2 should probably have overflow=hidden set.
var SplitPane = Class.create();

property: SplitPane.cache
    Holds all instances of SplitPane. Used to delay intialization until Window.onLoad().
SplitPane.cache = new Array();
SplitPane.cacheIndex = 0;
SplitPane.handleWidth = 10; // Width of the handle

SplitPane.prototype = {
    Constructor: intialize
        div1_id - a div, or the ID of a div notionally on the 'left' of the divider.
        div1_width - the initial width of div1 as a percentage of its parent's width
        div2_id - a div, or the ID of a div notionally on the 'right' of the divider.
        div2_left - the coordinate of the left edge of div2 relative to the parent div as a percentage.
        div2_width - the initial width of div2 as a percentage of its parent's width.
        options - an associative array of optional arguments which include
        onStart - a function to be called when a drag of the divider starts.
        onDrag - a function to be called when a drag occurs.
        onEnd - a function to call when a drag ends.
        active - if true then resizing can occur. If false then the two divs are set to
            the specified widths and that is that. Defaults to false.
    initialize: function("lhs", 30, "rhs", 30, 30, .options) {
        this.options = { 
            onStart:    Prototype.emptyFunction,
            onDrag:     Prototype.emptyFunction,
            onEnd:      Prototype.emptyFunction,
            active:     true
        Object.extend(this.options, options || {});
        this.div1 = $("lhs");
        this.div2 = $("rhs");
        this.container = this.parent;  // This had better be the same for both divs
        this.div1_width = 30;   // as a percentage
        this.div2_left = 30;     // as a percentage
        this.div2_width = 30;   // as a percentage
        SplitPane.cache[SplitPane.cacheIndex] = this;
        SplitPane.cacheIndex = SplitPane.cacheIndex+1;

        function: set
            create a divider. If its marked as 'active' then wire it up for events.
    set: function() {
        Element.makePositioned(this.container); // Fix IE
        // Change widths to percents so that window resizing works
        this.div1.style.width = this.div1_width + "%";
        this.div2.style.width = this.div2_width + "%";
        this.div2.style.left  = this.div2_left + "%";
        // Create a divider and make it a child of container
        this.divider = document.createElement("DIV");
        this.divider.style.width=SplitPane.handleWidth + "px";

        this.containerWidth = this.getWidth(this.container);

        if (this.options.active) {
            this.eventMouseDown = this.startDrag.bindAsEventListener(this);
            this.eventMouseUp   = this.endDrag.bindAsEventListener(this);
            this.eventChangeCursor = this.cursor.bindAsEventListener(this);
            this.eventMouseMove = this.update.bindAsEventListener(this);
            Event.observe(this.divider, "mousedown", this.eventMouseDown);
            Event.observe(document, "mouseup", this.eventMouseUp);
            Event.observe(this.divider, "mousemove", this.eventChangeCursor);
            Event.observe(document, "mousemove", this.eventMouseMove);
        function: serialize
            serialize the splitpane in a form suitable to be used in an HTTP request.
        serialized values:
            div1 - the id of div1
            div1_left - the left edge of div1 expressed as a percentage of the parent width
            div1_width - the width of div1 expressed as a percentage of the parent width
            div2 - the id of div2
            div1_left - the left edge of div2 expressed as a percentage of the parent width
            div1_width - the width of div2 expressed as a percentage of the parent width
    serialize: function() {
        return "div1=" + this.div1.id
        + "&div1_left=" + this.getXPercent(this.div1)
        + "&div1_width=" + this.getWidthPercent(this.div1)
        + "&div2=" + this.div2.id
        + "&div2_left=" + this.getXPercent(this.div2)
        + "&div2_width=" + this.getWidthPercent(this.div2);
        function: dispose
            unhook from events
    dispose: function() {
        Event.stopObserving(this.divider, "mousedown", this.eventMouseDown);
        Event.stopObserving(document, "mouseup", this.eventMouseUp);
        Event.stopObserving(this.divider, "mousemove", this.eventChangeCursor);
        Event.stopObserving(document, "mousemove", this.eventMouseMove);
    cursor: function(event) {
        this.divider.style.cursor = "e-resize";     

    startDrag: function(event) {
        if(Event.isLeftClick(event)) {
            this.active = true;
            var offsets = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.divider); 
            this.start_pointer  = [Event.pointerX(event), Event.pointerY(event)];
            this.inset = this.start_pointer[0] - offsets[0];
            this.containerWidth = this.getWidth(this.container);
            this.start_div1_width = this.getWidth(this.div1);
            this.start_div2_left = this.getX(this.div2);
            this.start_div2_width = this.getWidth(this.div2);
            this.start_divider_x = this.getX(this.divider);
            this.options.onStart(this, event);

    endDrag: function(event) {
        if (this.active) {
            this.active = false;
            this.options.onEnd(this, event);

    update: function(event) {
        if (this.active) {
            var pointer  = [Event.pointerX(event), Event.pointerY(event)];
            var delta = pointer[0] - this.start_pointer[0];
            var delta_percent = delta * 100.0 / this.containerWidth;
            // Calculate new div1 width
            var new_div1_width = this.start_div1_width + delta;
            // Limit width of div1
            if (new_div1_width < 0.0) {
                new_div1_width = 0.0;
                delta = -this.start_div1_width;
            // Calculate new div2 width (in %)
            var new_div2_width = this.start_div2_width - delta;
            // Limit width of div2
            if (new_div2_width < 0.0) {
                new_div2_width = 0.0;
                delta = this.start_div2_width;
                new_div1_width = this.start_div1_width + delta;

            // resize/position the divs
            this.div1.style.width = (new_div1_width * 100.0 / this.containerWidth) + "%";           
            this.div2.style.left  = ((this.start_div2_left + delta) * 100.0 / this.containerWidth) + "%";
            this.div2.style.width = (new_div2_width * 100.0 / this.containerWidth) + "%";
            // Set absolute position of divider - fix it up to be a % in endDrag().
            this.divider.style.left = (this.start_divider_x + delta) + "px";
            this.options.onDrag(this, event);

    setDividerX: function() {
        // Place the center of 'divider' half way between div1 and div2
        var div1_right = this.getX(this.div1) + this.getWidth(this.div1);
        var l = (((this.getX(this.div2)- div1_right - SplitPane.handleWidth)/2 + div1_right) * 100.0 / this.containerWidth) + "%";
        this.divider.style.left = l;

    setDividerHeight: function() {
        // Set the divider height to the greater of the heights of the two divs
        var h = Math.max(this.getHeight(this.div1), this.getHeight(this.div2));
        this.divider.style.height = h + "px";

    getX: function(el) {
        return el.x ? el.x : el.offsetLeft;
    getXPercent: function(el) {
        var x = "0";
        x = Element.getStyle(el,"left");
        if (x) {
            x = x.replace("%","");  //moz
        return x ? parseFloat(x) : 0.0;
    getWidthPercent: function(el) {
        var w = "0";
        w = Element.getStyle(el,"width");
        if (w) {
            w = w.replace("%","");  //moz
        return w ? parseFloat(w) : 0.0;
    getWidth: function(el) {
        return el.offsetWidth;
    getHeight: function(el) {
        if (el.currentStyle){
            return el.offsetHeight;                                 //ie
        } else {
            return Element.getStyle(el,"height").replace("px","");  //moz

SplitPane.setAll = function () {
    for(i=0; i<SplitPane.cache.length; i++){

Event.observe(window, "load", SplitPane.setAll);

le code css :
/* Elements with this class are generated by the JavaScript code */
/* Make the dividers visible for this demo */
.splitpane-divider {
    border: 1px solid black;
    opacity: .5;
    filter: alpha(opacity=50);

/* The classes/ids below are just used in this example. You can use whatever you like */
#parent {
    width: 100%;
    background: #eeeeee;

.column {
    float: left; /* This is forces the page content to adjust to changes in height of the columns */
    overflow: hidden; /* As a precaution, all content is clipped to the column width */
    margin: 0; /* This and padding need to be zero */
    padding: 0;
    z-index: 1;
    color: #666666;
    width: 33%; /* Default value, overridden by class */

/* Any spacing must be on a child of the column, not the column itself */
.content {
    border: 1px solid black;
    margin: 5px;
    padding: 5px;

le code html :
<div id="parent">
<div id="lhs" class="column"><p class="content">
<span style="display: block; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden">This is some clipped text that will be in the left column.</span>
<span style="display: block">This is some wrapped text that will be in the left column.</span>
<div id="mid" class="column"><p class="content">This is some text that will be in the middle column.</p></div>
<div id="rhs" class="column"><p class="content">This is some text that will be in the right column.</p></div>

et enfin l'exemple de classe javascript utilise pour le code en question :
<script  type="text/JavaScript" language="JavaScript"><!--
new SplitPane("lhs", 33.3, "mid", 33.33, 33.3, { active: true });
new SplitPane("mid", 33.3, "rhs", 66.66, 33.3, { active: true }); //-->
WRInaute occasionnel
et ??? c'est quoi la question ???

PS: c'est pas très sympa pour l'auteur du script de le copier/coller entièrement ici
WRInaute accro
quel interet de remplacer des frames (pas aimées par google) pr du javascript (pas aimé par google) ?

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