moutyk a dit:Merci pour cette explication Spedtra
Moi je developpe avec Javel !! je peux vous assurer que mes pages restes blanches quoiqu'il arrive :lol:
Rolalala je suis mauvais mauvais ... :arrow: :arrow:
J'ajouterai qu'on associe souvent le CSS aux méthodes AJAX
Q. Techniques for asynchronous server communication have been around for years. What makes Ajax a “new” approach?
A. What’s new is the prominent use of these techniques in real-world applications to change the fundamental interaction model of the Web. Ajax is taking hold now because these technologies and the industry’s understanding of how to deploy them most effectively have taken time to develop.
ZoRRo75 a dit:je me repete : l'AJAX implique des echanges de données en XML avec le serveur...
Q. Some of the Google examples you cite don’t use XML at all. Do I have to use XML and/or XSLT in an Ajax application?
A. No. XML is the most fully-developed means of getting data in and out of an Ajax client, but there’s no reason you couldn’t accomplish the same effects using a technology like JavaScript Object Notation or any similar means of structuring data for interchange.
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