To create a Gmail email account , you must have a Google account:
- If you already have a Google account , you just need to log in to the Gmail service with your Google account username and password. Click here to login and go to the right page.
- otherwise, you have to create a Google account , which allows you to create a Gmail account at the same time. Follow the steps below.
Why create a Google / Gmail account?
Creating a Gmail account actually enables the use of many Google products and services, including Google Docs documents, Google Drive cloud storage, Youtube videos, Google Maps directions, Google Scholar search, and of course your smartphone or tablet if it is under Android.
And then Gmail is a very good mail, very practical, with a huge online storage. Find other reasons to use Gmail.
If you change your mind, you can afterward delete your Gmail account.
How to Create a Custom Gmail Email Address in 2 Minutes
Follow the next steps:
- Go to the webpage
- Fill in the fields: first name, last name, username and password and go to the next step
- Enter your phone number to receive an activation code (by SMS or voice call)
- Indicate the code received
- Once validated, you arrive at a screen where it is possible:
- to remove the phone number provided (if you do not want it to remain associated with your Google account)
- provide a recovery email address (useful to secure your account)
- indicate your date of birth (day, month, year): this is mandatory
- to indicate your gender: it is mandatory to choose, but you can indicate “not specified”
- The last step is to approve the “Privacy Policy and Terms of Use”
✅ It’s done! A short summary in 2 images…
1️⃣ The 1st step is to create your Google account, without forgetting to choose your Gmail address.
❓ Did you know? Gmail account is optional in Google account, you can click “use my current email address instead”. This is not the goal here, otherwise you will not have a Gmail address…

2️⃣ Then Google asks you for a phone number to send you a code:

See also: how to forward with attachments in Gmail
Gmail Signup Tips
Choice of username for the mailbox
Think carefully if you want to remain anonymous (using a nickname) or on the contrary highlight your identity . In the latter case, try the format firstname.lastname even if it is probably already used…
No need to try to add a point, or to remove it: it is ignored, in order to protect the 1st account created. For example, if the address already exists, then Google considers that (without the dot) also exists and that it is the same Gmail box.
If Google says the address is already taken, try adding a word associated with you, it will help you find a free address without having to add lots of numbers.
See also: add other email addresses in Gmail
Second address in the same account, or disposable/temporary Gmail address
The trick that follows is not so well known, and yet it is very practical!
You can create as many secondary addresses as you want, in the same Gmail account, without having to configure anything anywhere. In the form field, just use the + sign which is used to make an alias .
If your Gmail address is then you can give the address +holidays to whoever you want, you will receive emails.
You can create as many aliases as you want. As many Gmail addresses as needed. For every child, every activity, every event, etc. Even disposable !
Even better: you can create filters in Gmail to automatically sort messages based on alias.
So you don’t need to go through the creation of an address on Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo or other free messaging.
The phone number associated with the Gmail account
As you have noticed, Google requires a phone number to finalize the creation of your account.
- it’s good because it helps secure the account, especially with 2-factor authentication
- but it’s less good if you want to remain discreet and not give everything to Google…
A trick is to provide a number during the registration phase, but after indicating the code received by SMS, you can delete the phone number before finalizing the creation of the account.
This number can be that of a third party, or even yours but which you will then delete.
Tip: There are more pros than cons to giving your real number. Indeed, the consequences of hacking your Gmail mailbox are often serious. You might as well use all possible means to protect your account, especially since it doesn’t just concern Gmail but all the Google services you will use.
Login to Gmail
To sign in to your email, follow these instructions depending on the type of device you’re using.
How to connect by computer
On a computer , go to then enter your Gmail email address and password. If that’s not enough, click here to login. Then you will arrive in your Gmail inbox.
See also how to modify your Gmail password
How to connect on phone or tablet
On Android and iOS (iPhone or iPad), open the Gmail app and see which Google account it opens with. If it’s not the right one, click on your profile picture and then on “Add another account”.
For details: connect to Gmail and read your emails
Alternate Google Account email addresses
A Google Account consists of:
- Google account email address : it cannot be changed
- Recovery email address : optional, it helps to reinforce security. This is where Google contacts you if there is unusual activity on your account or if you have access issues. Click here to set your recovery email address.
- Contact email address : Google will send you information about most of the products you use with this account. This is not necessarily a Gmail address. Click here to find your contact address or add a new one.
- Secondary email addresses : these are email addresses that you can use to log into your account, in addition to the primary address. They can also be used to contact you if you lose access to your account. Click here to view them or add a secondary address.
- “About me” profile email addresses: addresses that you can share with others in different Google products such as Drive or Photos.
See also: What does Bcc mean in Gmail?
Other questions & answers
How to create a Gmail account without a phone number?
📵 Do not believe what the tutorials say on this subject, they are not up to date: it is now mandatory to indicate a phone number. But read this tip that can help you out.
How to create a temporary or disposable Gmail address?
🗑️ Once you have a gmail address, you can add the + sign and the word of your choice behind it, to create another address. Read here how to do it in practice .
How to open a Gmail account for free?
🆓 Follow this tutorial by choosing the type of account at the beginning. Choose “Create an account for me” and not “Create an account to manage my business”.
What is the format of the Gmail username?
@ It takes between 6 and 30 characters, consisting of letters, numbers or a point, knowing that in fact the point is ignored.
Can we have an email on instead of
🇬🇧 No it’s not possible, the only extension used for Gmail accounts is (or
What if the username is already in use?
👥 If the name you have indicated is not available, you must add variants in order to distinguish yourself sufficiently from the one taken. Add an original word or otherwise a series of numbers.
How to change your first name or Gmail account name?
↩️ Fill out the form located here.
Where can I find help logging in to my Gmail account?
📍 See Google Help to sign in on desktop, Android, or iOS.
How to have a professional email address?
You have to buy a domain name (in the name of your company or whatever you want), then create a mailbox. Your web host should be able to explain how to do this.