Tester ses connaissances SEO (anglais)

WRInaute accro
Idem, 8.

Voilà mes erreurs :
Which of the following are criteria for the uniqueness of a page (unique as opposed to duplicate content)? Check all that apply.
a. Code similarity.
b. Text similarity.
c. Page names. <-- je n'ai pas coché celle là
d. Titles, headings, page titles and metatags


Which of the following can be described as overoptimization? Check all that apply.
a. Having the target keywords in the page title, the headings and the URL.
b. Having keyword density of 20% for the target keyword.
c. Using the same content all over the site without making changes to the text. <-- je n'ai pas coché celle là
d. Most of your inbound links come from link farms and blogs.
e. You rewrite the anchor text of the internal text links, so that they nclude some target words.

Bon c'est pas super pertinent, mais c'est marrant :d.
WRInaute accro
Oui, pas toujours pertinent mais bon, j'ai appris des termes comme "page swapping" (que je comprends en le lisant mais que je n'aurais pas su employer directement dans une conversation)

Je précise que pour ce quizz les questions ne sont pas toujours les mêmes.

Question 4 WRONG
From a SEO point of view, which is better - one big site or several smaller? Why? Check all true answers.
a. If you have enough content in the same niche it is better to have it in one big site because first, this way the site is easier to maintain and the great number of pages is good for ranking high in search results.
d. Many small sites allow to focus on specific niches, therefore compete for different keywords.
e. When you have many small sites with a similar theme, you can exchange a couple of links between them. <-- je n'ai pas coché celle là

Question 10 WRONG
You have a book selling site. If you have a keyword density of 7% for the keyword “book”, 6% for “reading” and 3% for “bestseller”, how does the following metatag relate to your keyword density:
b. The metatag might mislead the search engines that we offer mainly American literature.
e. It might help to get some additional traffic without having to optimize the site for additional keywords like “Grisham” and the different genres.

D'autres quizz :

http://websearch.about.com/library/quiz ... eoquiz.htm (pour les débutants)
You answered 10 items out of 10 correctly.
Your score is 100%. Excellent job!
WRInaute accro
dd32 a dit:
TOMHTML a dit:
Damned! 6/10
chuis degz :roll:
Recommence :wink:, ce ne sont jamais les mêmes questions donc c'est un peu la roulette russes :lol:
J'ai fait tourner trois fois le barillet pour des résultats identiques que je n'oserais pas donner ... Je vais essayer avec des réponses aléatoires, ça ira mieux :)
WRInaute occasionnel
You have just finished optimizing the site of a client and you proudly tell him or her to see the results. But instead of congratulations, you hear the question: “But I don't see the results you told me about! I see different results!” What will you explain to him or her? Check all answers that are technically correct.
a. You see different results because you have been served by one of the 80 data centers of Google, and I have my results from a different data center. It is an internal Google matter and none of us can do anything to change it.
b. Very often, results change at different times of day because the crawlers are constantly adding and removing pages from the index.
c. Come on, you can't be serious! What do you mean by “different results”?
d. This is because you are in Europe and I am in the States. Google tends to show local results before the rest, but since most of your clients are in the States, chances are that they will see what I see, not the Europe-specific results in your browser.

vraiment abusé ils disent que c'est juste la b :lol:
WRInaute discret

Sur le même site il y a un article interressant sur les risques des liens sortants "mal choisis" vers des sites blacklistés.
Je ne connaissais pas cette notion de "mauvais voisinage".

L'outil de verification de liens sortants proposé à la fin de l'article est bien utile.

Croyez vous que la penalité est vraiement importante dans ce genre de cas ?
WRInaute accro
julk>t'as répondu la A en plus ? Je pense qu'il ne faut pas trop embrouiller le client avec des termes techniques (et ça fait un peu "ouais c'est pas de ma faute", alors qu'à la base c'est ton problème ^^).
Mais bon je n'aurais pas vraiment mis la B non plus :X

0 of total links to domain probably from blogs/comments (0%) <-- c'est quoi ça ?
100 pages scanned.
45 links checked for family-friendly content.
No questionable links detected.
Missing from Googles index:
All pages scanned are in Google index.
WRInaute occasionnel
wullon a dit:
julk>t'as répondu la A en plus ? Je pense qu'il ne faut pas trop embrouiller le client avec des termes techniques (et ça fait un peu "ouais c'est pas de ma faute", alors qu'à la base c'est ton problème ^^).
Mais bon je n'aurais pas vraiment mis la B non plus :X
geekparlant j'aurais plutot mis celui la :
c. Come on, you can't be serious!
What do you mean by “different results”?
:lol: :lol:
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