Jeunes, riches et beaux...

WRInaute accro

L'un s'appelle Sergey et l'autre Larry. Mais savez vous qui est qui ? :lol:


WRInaute accro
laisse moi deviner:

1. tes neveux
2. les fils du proprio de ton parking
3. les acteurs du film "les seigneurs de l'agneau ..."
4. Bill gates et son complice quand il ont développé DOS

WRInaute discret
Des petits malins !!


Sergey Brin
Co-Founder & President, Technology

Sergey Brin, a native of Moscow, received a bachelor of science degree with honors in mathematics and computer science from the University of Maryland at College Park. He is currently on leave from the Ph.D. program in computer science at Stanford University, where he received his master's degree. Brin is a recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship as well as an honorary MBA from Insitituto de Empresa . It was at Stanford where he met Larry Page and worked on the project that became Google. Together they founded Google Inc. in 1998, and Brin continues to share responsibility for day-to-day operations with Larry Page and Eric Schmidt.


Larry Page
Co-Founder & President, Products

Larry Page was Google's founding CEO and grew the company to more than 200 employees and profitability before moving into his role as president, Products in April 2001. He continues to share responsibility for Google's day-to-day operations with Eric Schmidt and Sergey Brin.
WRInaute impliqué
mahefarivony serais tu entrain de monter un fan club :mrgreen:
Si tel est le cas tu pourrait etre le groupie number 1 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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