WRInaute discret
Je suis tombé sur un site expliquant sans doute les raisons de cette chute de certains sites américains par SearchEngineJournal :
Furthermore, there are many sites which were not associated with this drop in PageRank which sell paid links, but I’m not going to out them.
So, why the decrease? As I wait to hear back from Google on the decrease, there are many reasons which Google may be changing PageRank.
Lien : http://www.searchenginejournal.com/goog ... ithm/5890/
D'après ce que j'ai compris de la cause principale, les spécialistes parlent actuellement des "fermes à liens". En voici les réponses et la discussion :
Lien : http://www.searchengineguide.com/robert ... onds-t.php
Furthermore, there are many sites which were not associated with this drop in PageRank which sell paid links, but I’m not going to out them.
So, why the decrease? As I wait to hear back from Google on the decrease, there are many reasons which Google may be changing PageRank.
Lien : http://www.searchenginejournal.com/goog ... ithm/5890/
D'après ce que j'ai compris de la cause principale, les spécialistes parlent actuellement des "fermes à liens". En voici les réponses et la discussion :
Lien : http://www.searchengineguide.com/robert ... onds-t.php