Cookies et RGPD : mettre en place le script tarteauciron.js

WRInaute occasionnel
j’essaie de mettre en place le script tarteauciron.js pour être conforme cookies et rgpd.
j'ai suivi le tuto donné sur le site ou le script est en téléchargement et pourtant rien s'affiche.

voici le code utilisé :
<script type="text/javascript" src="tarteaucitron.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
"privacyUrl": "", /* Privacy policy url */

"hashtag": "#tarteaucitron", /* Open the panel with this hashtag */
"cookieName": "tartaucitron", /* Cookie name */

"orientation": "top", /* Banner position (top - bottom) */
"showAlertSmall": true, /* Show the small banner on bottom right */
"cookieslist": true, /* Show the cookie list */

"adblocker": false, /* Show a Warning if an adblocker is detected */
"AcceptAllCta" : true, /* Show the accept all button when highPrivacy on */
"highPrivacy": false, /* Disable auto consent */
"handleBrowserDNTRequest": false, /* If Do Not Track == 1, disallow all */

"removeCredit": false, /* Remove credit link */
"moreInfoLink": true, /* Show more info link */
"useExternalCss": false, /* If false, the tarteaucitron.css file will be loaded */

//"cookieDomain": "", /* Shared cookie for multisite */

"readmoreLink": "/cookiespolicy" /* Change the default readmore link */
ma page reste blanche sans aucun messages....
WRInaute occasionnel
rien du coté de la console, pas d'erreur...
je ne comprend pas...
voici mon code simple de test... je n'ai aucune infos qui s'affiche.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="fr">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Titre de la page</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="tarteaucitron/css/tarteaucitron.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="tarteaucitron/tarteaucitron.js"></script>

        <script type="text/javascript">
          "privacyUrl": "", /* Privacy policy url */

          "hashtag": "#tarteaucitron", /* Open the panel with this hashtag */
          "cookieName": "tartaucitron", /* Cookie name */
          "orientation": "top", /* Banner position (top - bottom) */
          "showAlertSmall": true, /* Show the small banner on bottom right */
          "cookieslist": true, /* Show the cookie list */

          "adblocker": false, /* Show a Warning if an adblocker is detected */
          "AcceptAllCta" : true, /* Show the accept all button when highPrivacy on */
          "highPrivacy": false, /* Disable auto consent */
          "handleBrowserDNTRequest": false, /* If Do Not Track == 1, disallow all */

          "removeCredit": false, /* Remove credit link */
          "moreInfoLink": true, /* Show more info link */
          "useExternalCss": false, /* If false, the tarteaucitron.css file will be loaded */

          //"cookieDomain": "", /* Shared cookie for multisite */
          "readmoreLink": "/cookiespolicy" /* Change the default readmore link */
Phasellus molestie augue vitae condimentum semper. Morbi vitae lacinia quam. Quisque massa tellus, ullamcorper quis velit ut, imperdiet convallis elit. Praesent eget ligula ut nulla pellentesque posuere at eu eros. Sed efficitur cursus nulla, quis mattis ante interdum nec. Cras dignissim lorem et nunc efficitur, sed bibendum eros faucibus. Ut condimentum luctus elit. Nullam et porttitor lorem. Suspendisse vel enim non libero pulvinar ultricies. Cras vel posuere leo. Integer vitae enim massa. Proin pretium enim et velit rutrum pellentesque. Nunc dapibus libero ut tincidunt volutpat. Sed blandit, elit at maximus ultrices, eros tortor pulvinar tortor, eget blandit justo lectus in orci. Aenean finibus interdum velit, eget porta justo.
Phasellus molestie augue vitae condimentum semper. Morbi vitae lacinia quam. Quisque massa tellus, ullamcorper quis velit ut, imperdiet convallis elit. Praesent eget ligula ut nulla pellentesque posuere at eu eros. Sed efficitur cursus nulla, quis mattis ante interdum nec. Cras dignissim lorem et nunc efficitur, sed bibendum eros faucibus. Ut condimentum luctus elit. Nullam et porttitor lorem. Suspendisse vel enim non libero pulvinar ultricies. Cras vel posuere leo. Integer vitae enim massa. Proin pretium enim et velit rutrum pellentesque. Nunc dapibus libero ut tincidunt volutpat. Sed blandit, elit at maximus ultrices, eros tortor pulvinar tortor, eget blandit justo lectus in orci. Aenean finibus interdum velit, eget porta justo.
Phasellus molestie augue vitae condimentum semper. Morbi vitae lacinia quam. Quisque massa tellus, ullamcorper quis velit ut, imperdiet convallis elit. Praesent eget ligula ut nulla pellentesque posuere at eu eros. Sed efficitur cursus nulla, quis mattis ante interdum nec. Cras dignissim lorem et nunc efficitur, sed bibendum eros faucibus. Ut condimentum luctus elit. Nullam et porttitor lorem. Suspendisse vel enim non libero pulvinar ultricies. Cras vel posuere leo. Integer vitae enim massa. Proin pretium enim et velit rutrum pellentesque. Nunc dapibus libero ut tincidunt volutpat. Sed blandit, elit at maximus ultrices, eros tortor pulvinar tortor, eget blandit justo lectus in orci. Aenean finibus interdum velit, eget porta justo.

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